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Hero Formation Packages Image
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Limited Company
Package Comparison


£11.99 £11.99 Order Now

Digital Privacy

£12.99 £29.99 Order Now

Digital and Print

£12.99 £35.00 Order Now

Ready To Trade

£12.99 £65.00 Order Now
Companies House £13 fee included
Ready-to-trade company
Fast online formation. No signatures or paperwork required
All company documents sent to you by email
Free access to online company manager
Free access to online company manager
Digital copy of Certificate of Incorporation
Digital copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association
Digital copy of Share Certificate
Digital copy of Company Register
Digital copy of Minutes of First Board Meeting
Registered Office Address Service
Director Address Service
Printed Certificate of Incorporation
Printed Certificate of Incorporation
Bound Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association
Printed copy of Share Certificate
Printed copy of Company Register
Printed copy of Minutes of First Board Meeting
VAT Registration
PAYE Registration
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£12.99 £12.99

Register a company for future use or form a dormant company

  • Private limited company formation
  • Digital copy of company formation Documents
  • Access to company manager account
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Digital Privacy

£12.99 £29.99

Keep your personal address off the public record for all to see

  • Sames as the Digital Package Plus:
  • Digital copy of companies first minutes
  • Registered office services, London, W2
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Ready To Trade

£12.99 £65.00

Everything you need to get started to start trading

  • Sames as the Digital & Print Package Plus:
  • Includes VAT & PAYE Registrations
  • Registered office services, London, W2
Order Now
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What People
Frequently Ask Us

When you form a company with us, we only require you to complete the online forms. We do not require any other documents from you when you form a company online with us. A limited company also requires a registered office address, director and a shareholder holding at least one share. You can use our professional address services if you would prefer to keep your business or personal Director’s address private.

Companies House is responsible for the registrar of business in the UK. Companies must register with Companies House, which also means any change will be on their records from that moment forward.

Firstly you will need to choose a unique company name. You'll also need to provide the full name, residential address, date of birth, nationality, business occupation, telephone number, town of birth and eye colour of each director and shareholder.

If you are above the age of 16 you can set up a UK limited company. Directors or shareholders don't need to be UK residents, but the company's registered address must be in the UK.